CII - Callahan Industries Inc.
CII stands for Callahan Industries Inc.
Here you will find, what does CII stand for in Manufacturing under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Callahan Industries Inc.? Callahan Industries Inc. can be abbreviated as CII What does CII stand for? CII stands for Callahan Industries Inc.. What does Callahan Industries Inc. mean?The United States based company is located in Griffin, Georgia engaged in industrial automation industry.
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Alternative definitions of CII
- Children's Institute International
- Configuration Item Identification
- Coady International Institute
- Compassion International Incorporated
- Configuration Identification Index
- Cybernetic Industries Incorporated
- Centro de Investigaciones de Ingeniería, USAC
- Chidambaram's India, Inc.
View 124 other definitions of CII on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CAMC Cobb Anger Management Company
- CSTT Chartered Surveyors Training Trust
- CCTL Central Construction Training Limited
- CBFL Custom Business Finance Ltd
- CEN Christian Education Network
- CFNO Camp Fire Northwest Ohio
- CCT Charlotte Comedy Theater
- CFL Clandestine Films Limited
- CASD Cleveland Academy of Self Defense
- CPL Clipping Path Land
- CSD Channel Source Direct
- CPR Casa Paco Restaurant
- CAL Crest Accountants LLP
- CPNH Cypress Point Nursing Home
- CHWGI Canada House Wellness Group Inc.
- CISL Caps Innovative Software Ltd